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Collaborating Through Shared Decision-Making

There is no perfect method for shared decision-making among principals, teachers, staff and families, but it’s most successful when involvement is authentic, time is adequate, and agreed-upon norms are in place. Authors Ron Williamson and Barb Blackburn share strategies.

How to Be Heard Worldwide from Your Classroom

Whatever you know, sharing it outside school walls can inform policymakers, journalists, the public, other teachers, researchers, and professors – who can use your classroom discoveries to better serve students. Educator and writer Jenny Grant Rankin shows how.

Put Some Bang at the Beginning of Lessons

How we start lessons makes a huge difference in learning during the remainder of our class instruction time. Teaching consultant and author Barbara Blackburn shares strategies to employ three keys to beginning lessons with a bang: focus, activation, and excitement.

10 Books to Keep Us at the Top of Our Game

As a strong believer in teacher as learner, Rita Platt returns to some books again and again – books that continue to guide her work though she may have first read them 20 years ago. With the new school year underway, she shares her 10 most impactful education books.

Design Squad Global’s Super STEM Resources

STEM curriculum expert Anne Jolly shares her enthusiasm for the free teaching resources available through the PBS platform Design Squad Global. Jolly highlights the engineering-oriented lessons and DSG’s new Global Clubs that involve kids in Inventing for a Sustainable Future.