Tagged: assessment

This Social Studies Compendium Is a Keeper

The authors of the Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox have constructed a research-based “honest, human guide” to helping students understand and care about what they learn. You will dig through and dog-ear it, and your students will be the richer for it, writes Sarah Cooper.

The CAFE Book Returns with Fresh Strategies

Based on the first edition’s core concepts for improving daily literacy learning and assessment, The CAFÉ Book has added teacher feedback, hands-on work with students and teachers, and research to strengthen the original practice, writes teacher educator Linda Biondi.

Ideas to Strengthen Narrative Writing Units

This year with help from the ideas illustrated in (re)Designing Narrative Writing Units, ELA teacher and coach Rebecca Crockett has faith that her 7th and 9th grade students will know what good narrative writing looks like and produce some quality writing of their own.

Honing Our Questions to Deepen History Learning

To foster social studies students who are more curious, collaborative and invested, Katie McGrath worked with a district team to hone essential questions and develop a process of “micro-progression” that leads each student to understanding. Steps and examples included!

How Not to Go Crazy Reading Rough Drafts

Limiting feedback to final drafts means lots of teacher work and little student learning. What if, Sarah Cooper wondered, she could give students enough scaffolding – using an outline organizer and peer response – that their rough drafts included everything she wanted?

Literacy and Learning Centers for the Big Kids

Thanks to Literacy and Learning Centers for the Big Kids, secondary teachers across the content areas won’t need to tweak elementary guides and hope things work with older kids. Instructional coach Janice Rustico finds the start-to-finish help just what her teachers need.