Tagged: Routledge

Teacher Self-Care in a Time of Trauma

“Supporting the Wounded Educator” is an insightful and helpful book much needed right now, says teacher educator Linda Biondi. It guides teachers to focus on what they can do to lessen trauma for themselves and their community through wellness and self-care initiatives.

Keeping Assessment in Social Studies Real

Practical, touching and funny, David Sherrin’s Authentic Assessment in Social Studies: A Guide to Keeping It Real offers a multitude of innovative approaches while reminding us that student potential lies at the heart of everything we teachers do, writes Sarah Cooper.

Lessons for Teaching Grammar in Context

In More Grammar to Get Things Done, authors Crovitz and Devereaux strike the right balance of ideological and practical to make the idea of a pedagogical shift to teaching grammar in context not only doable but exciting, says ELA teacher Karen Rubado.

Sharing Your Expertise with the World

Jenny Rankin writes that sharing teachers’ individual wisdom and expertise with the world is necessary, and, more importantly, possible. Read Rankin’s book to feel encouraged and inspired in your quest to expand your impact on the world, says teacher-reviewer Kathleen Palmieri.