Tagged: US history

Using Lenses to Develop Close Reading Skills

Using an innovative idea from her district’s teacher-sharing day, Katie Durkin and her 7th grade ELA and Social Studies teams implemented a “motifs and lenses” strategy to strengthen students’ close reading of fiction and academic texts. She details their successful steps.

Nurturing Truth-Seeking Communities in School

Over the life of our nation, history has been recorded from a singularly white perspective. Pablo Wolfe, Mary Ehrenworth and Marc Todd suggest ways we can create truth-seeking communities in our schools and “inoculate our students against the viral spread of falsehood.”

Inquiry-Based Lessons in U.S. History

Teachers looking for new ways to incorporate primary sources into history lessons covering 5 centuries will find great ideas in Jana Kirchner and Andrew McMichael’s Inquiry-Based Lessons in U.S. History, says social studies teacher Michael DiClemente.