Category: Book Reviews

Crafting Digital Writing

Reviewer and middle grades teacher Judi Holst strongly recommends Troy Hicks’ Crafting Digital Writing to any teacher who uses writing in their classroom and is ready to more deeply engage today’s digital-savvy students. It’s easy to read and full of ideas, she says.

Grading Group Work Fairly & Effectively

This less-than-50-page book from Susan M. Brookhart can help teachers assign fair individual grades growing out of group work, says teacher-reviewer Tracey Muise. It’s packed with ideas and examples for assessing group projects in various subjects.

A Good Introduction to Singapore Math

For teachers who have not used Singapore math strategies before but want to give them a go, Jana Hazecamp’s book Why Before How is a great place to start, says former 4th grade math teacher Jennifer Underwood, who adds some tech ideas of her own.

Using Drama Techniques to Deepen Comprehension

In the 2nd edition of Deepening Comprehension with Action Strategies, Jeff Wilhelm offers theory-based drama techniques that can be used before, during, and after reading to deepen comprehension of fiction and nonfiction content, says reviewer Allyn Hunt.

Teaching Literary Elements

Reviewer Mark Domeier finds that the authors do a fine job of mixing theory and practical applications of it. But he would recommend the book to high school literature teachers, not middle school ELA educators with packed curricula.

Updating Math Differentiation

William Bender’s 3rd edition of this classic on differentiating mathematics instruction combines thorough pedagogy with up-to-the-minute resources (including a Common Core focus) to create a definite winner, says teacher-reviewer Laura Von Staden.

How Visualization Can Improve Comprehension

Jeff Wilhelm’s practical strategies – including unique frontloading ideas for addressing prior knowledge – will set students up for using visualization techniques that can improve reading comprehension, says literacy consultant Anne Anderson.

Training Parents to Help in School

Former teacher Paddy Eger offers detailed training guidelines to prepare adult assistants for the classroom, says reviewer Karen Linch. “I spent many years learning to be a teacher, so it makes perfect sense that parents and volunteers need to be trained.”

Negotiating Science through Writing

In this thought-provoking book, the teacher-authors’ Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) strategy goes beyond the argumentation of the subtitle, says reviewer and science teacher Tracey Muise, modeling how learning can be driven by student inquiry.