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For the term "Air Canada Airways 📞 1-800-299-7264 ✓ Reservation Policy".

Empowering Students as Digital Leaders

By expanding our focus in school from digital citizenship (safety) to digital leadership (effective voice), teacher and author Jennifer Casa-Todd says educators can help students learn to harness social media in powerful and meaningful ways, for the common good.

When Staying Nonpartisan Feels Just Too Difficult

Regardless of where educators land politically, it can sometimes feel like tiptoeing through a minefield to facilitate a balanced discussion of current events, writes teacher Sarah Cooper. Are there times when it’s appropriate for teachers to reveal their own views?

Challenging Learning Through Real Dialogue

Noting that high quality classroom discussion fosters content learning and critical thinking, social studies teacher Michael Yell reports that Challenging Learning through Dialogue is a powerful resource to help make middle grades discussion more thoughtful, engaging, and real.

Responding to Bullying and Cyberbullying

National Bullying Prevention Month begins October 1. Throughout the year MiddleWeb’s collection of anti-bullying resources from educators, nonprofits and agencies can help teachers and schools respond to bullying and cyberbullying, both of which peak in middle school.

How to Make Homework Meaningful for Students

This fall, as school districts scattered around the country are considering “no homework” policies, teacher educator Curtis Chandler looks at research on whether and how homework can support learning and suggests teaching apps to help make it short, meaningful, and accessible.

25 Quick and Effective Formative Assessments

What really stands out in the second edition of 25 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom is the attention authors Dodge and Duarte pay to meshing tried and true formative assessments with engaging digital formats, says teacher-librarian Rita Platt.

How to Maximize School Board Effectiveness

This is a needed, practical book for superintendents, school leaders, and others who want to know how districts work and how these key figures should function in terms of school governance and working relationships, says retired principal Mary Langer Thompson.