Tagged: special needs

Humanizing Inclusive Classroom Management

When teachers create a welcoming, safe, inclusive learning environment with their students, the chances increase that students will have a sense of belonging and “calm increase,” freeing them to learn. NBCT Elizabeth Stein shares ways to use restorative practices and UDL.

Rigor Helps Kids with Special Needs Succeed

We may believe our students who are struggling – whether they have special needs, are English learners or are otherwise challenged – simply cannot learn at high levels. By exploring the meaning of educational “rigor,” Barbara Blackburn and Bradley Witzel show how they can.

Good Tools for Analyzing Fiction and Nonfiction

Stressing the need to provide wide fiction and informational text choices, the authors consider the needs of all readers while offering extensive activities for all classrooms. Reviewer Jenni Miller found the book “wonderful” – both informative and encouraging.

Young, Gifted & Accelerated

College @13: Young, gifted, and purposeful, the story of 14 extremely gifted teenage girls who enter a Virginia early college program, is a valuable read for teachers, parents & other gifted teens, says reviewer Linda Rummell.