Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Teachers

Mindfulness, teacher self-care, and increased job satisfaction for teachers are currently hot topics. Teacher librarian Rita Platt finds Lisa J. Lucas’ helpful book, Practicing Presence, a welcome addition to the conversation about Social Emotional Learning for educators.

Bag Ladies’ Best Ideas for Hands-On Learning

Photos, zipper baggie quilts, stick puppets, story time capsules and more – all add to the learning in Simmons and Guinn’s collection of hands-on activities for kids in K-5. Educator Elizabeth OBrien says activities can be easily adapted from one subject area to another.

Executive Function Is Key to Student Achievement

Executive function is the missing link to student achievement, author Nancy Sulla says. If students don’t develop the brain-based skills to focus, catch and correct errors, and identify cause-and-effect relationships, they can’t make sense of even the best lessons.

The Beauty of February in the Classroom

Lauren Brown and her middle schoolers are in the sweet spot of the school year – settled after the holidays and with spring break in the distance – a perfect place to deepen learning built on established relationships and student skills developed over past months. Snow days help, too.

3 Ways to Encourage Shared Teacher Learning

Ongoing shared professional learning helps bolster teachers’ willingness to embrace change and collaborate. Barbara Blackburn and Ron Williamson highlight three targeted activities: learning walks, lesson studies, and a strategy to develop consistent expectations.