Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

A How-to Book on Social Emotional Learning

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Joanne Bell. The book “is peppered with tons of helpful websites, references and technology ideas that I can’t wait to use.”

Intrinsic Motivation Helps Learners Thrive

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Laura Von Staden. Topics include classroom management, sparking interest in ELA, transfer of skills, and healthy lifestyle.

Mixing Minecraft and California History

David Goldberg wanted to create thought-provoking lessons that taught his fourth graders 21st century skills while also integrating history content about the settlement of California. He shares his first experiment, using the popular Minecraft video game.

Get Elbow Deep in Maker Learning Fun

In The Invent to Learn Guide to Fun Josh Burker situates the Constructivist theories of active learning within the playful exploration and creation of the Maker’s Movement while also providing detailed guides for intriguing projects, says reviewer Kevin Hodgson.

Get Kids Thinking with Talks about Math

Educator Jennifer Underwood reports Making Number Talks Matter is an excellent read for all math teachers. The book explains both how to do math talks and why these talks are an important means of helping all students become confident mathematical thinkers.

A Quick Look at G&T Teaching Strategies

The authors of Proven Strategies That Work attempt to provide solutions to complex issues of teaching gifted children in about four pages each, including forms, says reviewer Lisa Penrod. Some tips are helpful but suggested strategies need more development.

Powerful Iconic Images Can Educate & Inform

Iconic images from popular culture can raise consciousness about issues, many of them tied to health and gender awareness, writes media literacy consultant Frank W. Baker. He offers memorable examples and ties this phenomenon to teaching visual literacy.