169 Search results

For the term "1хбет промокод 2023 🧨 1x_925459 ⬅ Узбекистан".

6 Stances That Promote True Writing Revision

The many Aha! moments in Chris Hall’s The Writer’s Mindset will lead the reader to reexamine classroom practices – from reimagining revision to building student self-awareness and much more. Literacy consultant Anne Anderson appreciates the activities that pack the book.

Formative Assessment Fuels Literacy Learning

Using formative assessment effectively is key to becoming a reflective practitioner who can adjust literacy instruction to meet students’ needs and interests, write Lynne Dorfman and Brenda Krupp, who share their ideas for “breathing life into reading and writing lessons.”

Three Fun Activities for Teaching Statistics

Michelle Russell loves teaching statistics and her students enjoy it too. But it took her a few years to find activities that really engage them and that also reinforce the statistics standards they need to learn. Here are three ideas she recommends for the middle grades.

10 Actions That Put Student Writers First

How do we put our young writers first? We seek to develop a mindset and actions that provide opportunity, dignity, and encouragement, says literacy expert Regie Routman. Then we carefully tailor feedback that celebrates strengths and boosts each and every writer’s confidence.

Tap Out! Help Students Self-Assess Fast

For a fresh, fun way to quickly assess student progress, try having them “Tap Out!” in person or online. Kids can think about their efforts toward meeting a learning target, and teachers get ongoing formative assessment data, writes NBCT Rita Platt. Lots of tips and tools!

Classroom Podcasting for the Middle Grades

Podcasting is exploding, and teachers are discovering that listening to and producing podcasts are great ways to promote deeper learning. Former NPR reporter Monica Brady-Myerov shares the whys and hows of engaging kids in their own projects, with examples and resources.

Teach Media Literacy with Super Bowl Ads

Many millions of people who tune in to the 2019 Super Bowl will be there to watch the pricey, high-engagement commercials. Media literacy consultant Frank Baker explains how to teach about these “super ads,” approaching them as informational text worthy of close scrutiny and analysis.

What You Can Do With Fragments of Class Time

Make the most of those minutes of fragmented class time that testing schedules, assemblies and pre-holiday half-days can create. Megan Kelly shares some of her own cross-curricular ideas to promote fun and active learning whether you have five minutes or five hours to fill.

Use Some Time During Summer Break To Heal

Instead of using summer to squeeze in back-to-back PD or obsessively plan for the coming year, teachers can benefit by devoting some time to restore our energy and renew our sense of self. Author and educator Debbie Silver offers some wise guidance to get us started.