Tagged: Jeremy Hyler

Homework, Grading, Late Work, Oh My…

Like many faculties, teachers at Jeremy Hyler’s middle school have struggled to find a workable grading policy that addresses late work and takes into account grade levels, content areas, and differing philosophies. Hyler wants to encourage learners, but what about rigor?

Teaching Students Grammar in an Auto-Correct World

How can teachers convince students that learning grammar is worth the effort and can improve their writing? Jeremy Hyler and Troy Hicks suggest ways to implement a range of online tools to bring grammar alive for classes. Lots of ideas, writes Erin Corrigan-Smith.

Teach Students to Write for Real-Life Contexts

Today’s students have to learn to shift their writing styles to meet different real-life purposes, says ELA teacher-author Jeremy Hyler. Teachers should understand the different contexts (school, work, and personal) and help students learn to “code switch” as needed.

How to Teach Grammar in the Digital Age

From Texting to Teaching: Grammar Instruction in a Digital Age by Hyler and Hicks led teacher Desiree Tabor Carter to think about technology tools strategically and inspired her to overhaul her website, adding a grammar and vocabulary page to each course section.