Tagged: literacy

PARCC Prep: Literary Analysis Writing Task

Are your students ready for Common Core ELA assessments? Using the PARCC as a springboard, literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo details a 10-lesson strategy to prep for the Literary Analysis Writing Task and links to other preps at her blog. Teachers in non-PARCC states may also find the ideas helpful.

Visible Learning Tools to Teach Literacy Effectively

Sixth grade ELA and social studies teacher Kathee Lamberies expects she will be using Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom from Fisher, Frey, Hattie and Thayre and tabbing its pages for years to come. It is likely to become her new “bible” of teaching!

Leading with Focus Will Improve Schools

Emphasizing content-rich curriculum, traditional literacy activities, and soundly structured lessons, Mike Schmoker’s “Leading with Focus” provides a guide for teacher leaders, principals, and others that can improve student achievement, says principal Matt Renwick.

5 Hacks Can Help Create a Culture of Readers

Gerard Dawson packs his brief book about literacy with hacks (fixes) to implement immediately and have a positive impact on classroom reading culture, says educator Laura Von Staden. He includes five problem-solving blueprints and ways to overcome pushback.

DIY Literacy Tools for Blended Learning

In her blended classroom, reviewer Nicolette Lesniak finds the tools included in DIY Literacy – demonstration notebooks, teaching charts and visual note taking – help students recall what was taught and motivate them to work harder, to the best of their abilities.