Tagged: math

5 Ideas to Add Comfort and Joy to Math Class

Middle grades math teacher Mona Iehl applies five of author Gholdy Muhammad’s strategies to unearth joy as her students experience the December classroom scramble. Mona suggests activities to help realize each strategy with your students. Try musical math and much more!

How We Pumped Up Our Math Vocabulary Study

While logic and skill are two important elements in advancing math knowledge, students also need to be immersed in the language of math to succeed. Kathleen Palmieri brainstormed with her fifth graders to develop fun strategies that help them understand and apply math terms.

How to Make Math Class Student Centered

Fresh teaching ideas engulf math teachers each fall. Which strategies take priority as we seek to help students have the best year ever? Teacher and coach Mona Iehl recommends three: build classroom community, review and augment resources, and select engaging lesson formats.

Developing the “Why” for Middle Grades Math

Math students in the middle grades want the truth: “Why should math matter to me?” To show them, curriculum leader Christian Polizzi suggests making real-world connections, asking students for examples in their own lives, and having them create “personalized” math problems.

21 Deep Dives Good for Summer PD Reading

The 2021-22 school year came with all the expected sound and fury, and for many of us, weariness and low spirits. Now summer’s here and MiddleWeb has pulled together a diverse set of deep-dive PD articles you might have missed. They’re insightful, informative and actionable!

Here’s How to Get Kids Talking in Math Class!

We know how to get those same 6 students talking and raising their hand each day. But how do we engage every student in truly explaining their thinking and sharing their math reasoning? Middle grades teacher Mona Iehl shares 3 ways to structure questions that pull them in and keep them talking.

Supporting Long-Term Understanding of Math

In Making Math Stick, David Costello offers advice to help teachers make the shift from “teach, test, move on” to “teach, connect, apply.” His detailed learning and instructional strategies will help you deepen student knowledge and improve retention, writes Lisa Hudson.