Tagged: math

Black History Figures Inspire Math Classes

Middle grades teacher Mona Iehl wants students to be able to “see themselves in math” and be represented in the work they do together. Learn how she uses the images and words of Black Mathematicians to empower and inspire her classes to welcome and master math challenges.

Kindle Math Engagement with Daily Warm-Ups

If you’re looking for a way to engage your students in deep mathematical thinking as soon as they walk into class, give math warm-ups a try. Middle grades teacher Mona Iehl lays out the elements of eye-catching warm-ups and how to make them work for your kids.

How We Can Assure Rigor in Our Lessons

What does instructional rigor look like in the middle school classroom? Teaching consultant and bestselling author Barbara Blackburn offers examples of lessons that reach for the top of Bloom’s and DoK – in social studies, math, electives, the arts, English/ELA, and science.

Math Curriculum for Gifted Sixth Graders

Math Curriculum for Gifted Students (Grade 6): Lessons, Activities and Extensions is a great resource for pull-out math and afterschool enrichment, differentiation in the regular or gifted classroom, and more, writes middle grades Exceptional Student educator Laura Von Staden.

Teach Math by Diving Deep Into Real Data

Rather than approach math using only a curriculum that follows textbook lessons, we can boost learning by teaching math as a science. Middle grades educator and NBCT Kathleen Palmieri is learning how to incorporate data studies to help students relate math to the real world.

Adding Simulations to Your Lesson Plans

Simulations involve tactile or kinesthetic participation and offer a way for students to be actively engaged in lessons and experience another dimension of learning. Barbara Blackburn and two colleagues share online and in-class SS, ELA, and STEM ideas.

Rough Draft Math: Revising to Learn

Self-confidence is hugely important in learning math. Amanda Jansen shows how teachers can help students embrace a “revising to learn” approach, gaining confidence and understanding. Teacher Michael Hernandez says the book will help him create a safe space to make mistakes and grow.